To our Shareholders

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Report of the Supervisory Board

(in accordance with section 171(2) of the AktG)

Hans Dieter Poetsch – Chairman of the Supervisory Board (photo)
Hans Dieter Pötsch

Ladies and gentlemen,

In fiscal year 2022, the work of the Supervisory Board of Volkswagen AG and its committees focused on the Volkswagen Group’s strategic direction. This included the IPO of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG and the sale of 25% plus one ordinary share of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG to Porsche Automobil Holding SE. The Supervisory Board regularly deliberated on the Company’s position and development in the reporting period. We supervised and supported the Board of Management in its running of the business and advised it on issues relating to the management of the Company, and particularly on sustainability issues, in accordance with our duties under the law, the Articles of Association and the rules of procedure. The Supervisory Board was directly involved in all decisions of fundamental importance to the Group. Additionally, we discussed strategic considerations with the Board of Management at regular intervals.

The Board of Management complied with its disclosure obligations, which are set out in the information policy adopted by the Supervisory Board in 2018. The Board of Management provided us with information regularly, promptly and comprehensively both in writing and orally, particularly on all matters of relevance to the Company relating to its strategy, business development and the Company’s planning and position. This also included the risk situation and risk management. In this respect, the Board of Management also informed the Supervisory Board of further improvements to the internal control system and the risk and compliance management systems. In addition, the Supervisory Board received information about compliance and other topical issues from the Board of Management on an ongoing basis. We received the documents relevant to our decisions in good time for our meetings. At regular intervals, we also received a detailed report from the Board of Management on the current business position and the forecast for the current year. Any deviations in performance from the plans and targets previously drawn up were explained in detail by the Board of Management, either in person or in writing. Together with the Board of Management we analyzed the reasons for the deviations and determined corresponding countermeasures. In particular, the Board of Management reported in detail and in a timely manner on the impacts related to the Russia-Ukraine conflict and explained the measures that had been taken.

In addition, the Chair of the Supervisory Board consulted with the Chair of the Board of Management at regular intervals between meetings to discuss important current issues. These included the Group’s strategy and planning, its business development, and the risk situation and risk management, including integrity and compliance issues in the Volkswagen Group. Within reason, the Chair of the Supervisory Board discusses Supervisory Board-specific topics with investors and, in consultation with the Board of Management, may also discuss non-Supervisory Board-specific topics. Governance issues were one focus of the discussions. The Chair of the Supervisory Board informed the Supervisory Board of such discussions after they had taken place.

The Supervisory Board held a total of 16 meetings in fiscal year 2022. Eight of the meetings were held face to face and eight as video or conference calls. In four meetings, the Supervisory Board solely discussed the IPO of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG and the sale of 25% plus one ordinary share of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG to Porsche Automobil Holding SE. The Supervisory Board members who had indicated that they had a possible conflict of interest in this regard did not participate in these meetings. On this basis, the attendance rate (calculated for all meetings held during the fiscal year under review and for all Supervisory Board members in office) was 85.0%. Supervisory Board members who did not attend a meeting for reasons other than a possible conflict of interests were able to engage with the meeting topics using the preparatory documents and could participate in the resolutions by means of a written vote. Particularly urgent matters were decided in writing or using electronic means of communication.

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