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Basis of presentation

Volkswagen AG is domiciled in Wolfsburg, Germany, and entered in the commercial register at the Braunschweig Local Court under No. HRB 100484. The fiscal year corresponds to the calendar year.

In accordance with Regulation No. 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Volkswagen AG prepared its consolidated financial statements for 2022 in compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs), as adopted by the European Union. All the IFRSs adopted by the EU and required to be applied have been complied with.

The accounting policies applied in the previous year were generally retained. The only changes required resulted from new or amended standards.

Moreover, all the provisions of German commercial law that Volkswagen is additionally required to apply, as well as the German Corporate Governance Code, have been complied with in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements.

The consolidated financial statements were prepared in euros. Unless otherwise stated, all amounts are given in millions of euros (€ million).

All figures shown are rounded, so minor discrepancies may arise from addition of these amounts.

The income statement was prepared using the internationally accepted cost of sales method.

Preparation of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with the aforementioned standards requires management to make estimates that affect the reported amounts of certain items in the consolidated balance sheet and in the consolidated income statement, as well as the related disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities. The consolidated financial statements provide a true and fair view of the net assets, financial position and results of operations as well as the cash flows of the Volkswagen Group.

The Board of Management completed preparation of the consolidated financial statements on February 21, 2023. On that date, the period ended in which adjusting events after the reporting period are recognized.

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